Angel Fabián Rivera
Angel Fabián Rivera (Actor/Writer/Producer) has a BA in acting from the UPR in Río Piedras. His theatre credits include: Homos or everyone in America, Donkey in Shrek: The Musical, Armand in Once on this island, Hairspray, Mary Poppins, Our Town, Alex & Emma. His first Disney project is a Spanish dubbing voice-actor on West Side Story and now he’s excited to announce his first blockbuster movie The Plane alongside Gerald Butler to come out next year. Angel is a proud Puertorican and he’s excited to start this new path in Atlanta, however his heart will always be in Puerto Rico. He’s very grateful for his parents, family, friends and especially his partner Jeremy for always believing in him. Follow him on IG as @angelfabianrivera. “Remember to always follow your dreams just like I did”.