Creative Consulting & Script-Writing

1st Step [$50/hour]:
The Basics [$500]: 1st Step +
black and white typewriter on white table
black and white typewriter on white table
man typing on keyboard inside room
man typing on keyboard inside room
a white box with writing on it next to a plant
a white box with writing on it next to a plant
four men standing outside Feed and Grain store
four men standing outside Feed and Grain store
  • Creative Consultation

  • Character Bio

  • Story Outline

  • Complete Read & Analysis of Script

  • In-Depth Notes & Feedback

  • 2 Hours Creative Consultation Including Reviewing Notes and Q & A

  • Script Rewrite

  • Full Script Breakdown

  • 3 Hours Creative Consultation

  • Pitch Deck Outline

  • Top Sheet Budget Breakdown

  • Complete Pitch Deck

  • Business Consultation

  • Trailer Pre-Production Plan

  • Production of Trailer/Proof-of-Concept

  • Pitching to Investors & Production Companies

Launch [$2,000]: The Basics +
Advanced[$5,000]: Launch +
Ultimate [$]: Advanced +
two people sitting during day
two people sitting during day
We Help You Tell Your Stories